Initial Appointment

At your initial consultation with Dr Watson you will be able to cover your medical history and tell him what you are struggling with currently, he will ask you questions related to the pain you are experiencing and what you think triggers your pain so that he can understand the nature of your pain and what might be causing it.

He will then give you a detailed physical examination and he will discuss the diagnosis with you.

Please bring someone with you, to help remember things and (for ladies) to chaperone you. If you cannot do this, please ask for a chaperone if you would like one (Mrs Watson is available).

Xrays and MRIs can be arranged, however if the condition is straightforward and you recover quickly, you may not need them.

If appropriate, Dr Watson will offer treatment immediately (at your first consultation).

Unlike other clinics he will not request you return for a follow up appointment to receive the treatment you need. If appropriate, and if you wish he can treat you at your initial appointment. It is Dr Watson’s aim to do whatever he can to reduce or eliminate your pain as quickly as possible. Alternatively if you do not want treatment immediately and would like to think things over first, then of course you are welcome to make a second appointment for treatment at your convenience.

After your initial appointment and treatment we may need to talk about what caused the problem this time and how to avoid a recurrence. This can be done on the phone or in person dependent upon the type of pain you experienced in the past and your lifestyle.

Getting Ready

Please remember to bring with you:

  • your GP’s name and address;
  • a list of any medications you take at the moment;
  • a copy of any relevant XR or scan report; and
  • your mobile phone.

Please bath or shower just before you come and put clean clothes on (anti-Covid).

Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment and park on the drive. We will call you in.

You do not have to wear a mask but are welcome to do so if you wish.

You can pay by money, cheque or bank transfer.